
解析:irrespective of的用法,助你掌握英语表达技巧Others may have the wrong sort of characteristics; a tendency to ignore others, stick to rules irrespective of context, rush into action without reflection and struggle to make up their minds. 还有人可能有存在判断力不利的特质:常常忽视他人,不顾具体情况而墨守成规,不加思考匆忙行事,以及优还有呢?

rein in用法详解:掌握这个词的正确使用,提升你的英语表达you give them a lot of freedom to do what they want. give/allow sb/sth free/full rein give/allow free/full rein to sth 对…不加约束;放任自由;充分表达(感情) The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport. 政府仍然认为应该给予交通领域的私营企业以是什么。

Hayley教口语,“邋遢的”用英语怎么说形容经济窘迫的人没有余钱修补鞋子,鞋后跟因长时间穿着而破损。现在down-at-heel也可以用来形容建筑物、环境破败等。潦倒的,邋遢的She had a decidedly down-at-heel appearance. 她外表看起来实在很寒酸。The town today is a shabby, down-at-heel place. 如今这个市镇成了破旧还有呢?


