

买一送一、第二件半价,英语怎么说?快学起来吧!“免费”用英语该怎么说呢?简单明了,就是:"Free!" 示例如下: This newspaper is distributed for free. “首单立享X折”用英语怎么表达? 以八折为例,“首单立享八折”就是:“Get 20% Off Your First Order”。例句: Click the link in the description below, and enjoy 20% off your first order o后面会介绍。

Hayley教口语,“背黑锅”用英语怎么说?"take a/the fall for someone" to accept the blame for something another person did 替…承担责任take the fall这个习语被认为起源于20世纪初,主要应用在美式英语中。这个短语刚开始出现在刑事或法律环境中,指的就是,某人对他人犯下的罪行承担责任或接受指责。I wasn't going to take 小发猫。

Hayley教口语,“地上裂条缝”用英语怎么说?"the earth/ground/floor opens" You say that you wish the earth/floor/ground would open (up) if you are so embarrassed that you want suddenly to disappear. (指尴尬得希望)地面裂开(使自己消失) At that moment the boss walked in, and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. 正在还有呢?


积跬步 篇一:如何用英语吵架、怼人?这本书可以帮到你作者:叶绿素_黄起因是一名B站up主分享的英语小知识,“你问我,我问谁”如何用地道英文表达。为了方便阅读,视频我放在最后面了。“你问我,我问谁”是一种带有不耐烦情绪的回答。礼貌版:hmmmm good questions. God knows. 不礼貌版:加上语气词“the hell”,“the f*”,如who the 后面会介绍。

跑渣讲绘本 篇十九:英语启蒙故事《Fun at the Beach》系列的“Fun at the Beach"。故事非常简单,说的是狗狗Floopy和它的主人Biff他们一家人一起来到了海滩,海滩边上的码头是一个游乐场,他们在是什么。 循序渐进地学习英文阅读,爱上英文阅读。跑渣我们家里的Oxford Reading Tree的系列故事(或者说教材吧)是其他朋友给的。个人并不指望吞金是什么。


地道英语口语:问路与指路必备表达合集【关于问路指路的地道英语口语表达合集】如何问路: 1. How do I get to Main Street? 2. Where is the closest gas station? 3. Can you tell me where the community centre is? 4. I’m looking for Jane Street. 5. Are you from around here? 如何指路: Use basic English to offer directions. Short 是什么。

棱镜英文丨中国端午节如何勇闯世界“朋友圈”?the Duanwu Festival, also known as Dragon Boat Festival or the Duanyang Festival, falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month each year. Originating in China, the festival began during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, boasting a history of over 2,000 years. It is tr好了吧!


掌握这45个英语词汇词组,轻松应对社会民生话题【45个社会民生类英语词汇词组】1.wealth distribution 财富分配2.give priority to …优先考虑…3.imbalance 不平衡 the long run 从长远角度而言5.infrastructure 基础设施6.booming 繁荣发展的7.tertiary industry 第三产业8.tranquility 宁静9.revenue 税收10.commercialization 商业化好了吧!

“别cue我”的“cue”在英语中,到底是什么意思?02take your cue from sb/sth 指看某人的眼色行事He often always his cue from the boss,that's why we don't like him. 他总是看上司的眼色行事,这就是我们都不喜欢他的原因。03cue ball cue还有一个隐藏含义,指台球等撞球游戏的球杆,而“cue ball”是“台球主球”。美式英语中还有一个是什么。



开悟的中年人,没情绪曾看过一部叫做《秋田》的电影,英文名字叫“The Fall”。它把人生分为四个季节,而中年,是秋。秋,是内敛的、安静的、收获的。中年的我们也是如此,不再咋咋呼呼,来到了人生最成熟的时刻,悟透了该如何过好一生。01悟透了家庭:藏好情绪,扛起一个家。电影《马利和我》中,有一个经后面会介绍。


